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Jeff Leslie

Title: Director of Clinical and Experiential Learning, Clinical Professor of Law, Paul J. Tierney Director of the Housing Initiative, Faculty Director of Curriculum

Expertise: Affordable Housing, Community, Negotiation

Departmental website:

Richard H. Helmholz

Title: Ruth Wyatt Rosenson Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Law

Expertise: Natural resources, Property law, Religion and the law

Departmental website:

Craig Futterman

Title: Clinical Professor of Law

Expertise: Civil rights, Criminal justice reform, Police and criminal justice

Departmental website:

Nicholas Epley

Title: John Templeton Keller Professor of Behavior Science

Expertise: Communication

Departmental website:

Douglas Baird

Title: Harry A. Bigelow Distinguished Service Professor in the Law School

Expertise: Bankruptcy, Law and economics

Departmental website:

Luigi Zingales

Title: Robert C. McCormack Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance; Director, Stigler Center

Expertise: Economics, Economic policy

Departmental website:

Freedom of Expression and Protest

October 20, 2009

To: Faculty, Staff, and Students

From: President Robert J. Zimmer and Provost Thomas F. Rosenbaum

At the height of attacks on the University of Chicago in the 1930s as a “hot bed of radicalism” by politicians and the national press, President Robert Maynard Hutchins responded by proclaiming our core values, asserting that “… free inquiry is indispensable to the good life, that universities exist for the sake of such inquiry, that without it they cease to be universities, and that such inquiry and hence universities are more necessary now than ever.”

This culture of inquiry and informed argument is a cherished hallmark of the University of Chicago. It flourishes in an environment where what matters is what you say, not who you are. We believe that in the open clash of ideas, progress is made and understanding emerges. But like any cultural conviction, an environment of informed argument and critical inquiry must be nurtured. It creates for the faculty, students, and staff of the University of Chicago the fundamental right and responsibility to foster and protect rational discourse in an environment marked both by the rigorous challenge of ideas and by tolerance for the expression of multiple viewpoints.

Speakers invited by faculty and students should have every expectation to be treated in accord with the highest ideals of the University. There is also a reciprocal obligation to hear from those who wish to express dissent, but not in a manner that prevents the speech of those with whom they disagree. At institutions without our strong tradition of free inquiry, speakers have been prevented from freely presenting their ideas. We had such an event occur on our campus last week. It is in this context and given the particular history of our institution that the repeated disruption by audience members of the views presented by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, speaking at the invitation of the Harris School, is disturbing. Any stifling of debate runs counter to the primary values of the University of Chicago and to our long-standing position as an exemplar of academic freedom. It is a rupture of the sort that is rare on our campus because of our shared views of the importance of inquiry, discourse, and informed argument.

In the tradition of President Hutchins, his predecessors and successors, we remain committed to fostering an arena for the free expression of ideas because it is the essence of our existence as a great University, and we as a community will continue to defend the rights to free expression on our campus.