Peggy Mason

Peggy Mason

Peggy Mason

For 25 years, Mason has worked on the cellular mechanisms of pain modulation. Since 2008, she has turned her energies to the biology of empathy and pro-social behavior.

Mason is committed to spreading the word of neurobiology through teaching. In 2018 she was honored with a Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring. She has taught medical students since her arrival at UChicago, with the exception of a two-year hiatus during which she wrote a textbook, Medical Neurobiology (2011). She also teaches a popular Coursera course that has attracted more than 100,000 students to date.

Mason Stories

UChicago courses help students share science with the public

Science Communication course series teaches skills to share information with clarity, accuracy

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Media Contacts

Alison Caldwell, PhD

Senior Science Writer, University of Chicago Medical Center

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Neurobiology, Prosocial behavior, Rats, Empathy