Sitting in between two water reclamation sites, Chatham, located in the South Side of Chicago, is a low-lying neighborhood susceptible to high flooding. As climate change gets increasingly severe, Chatham is one of the many neighborhoods bearing the brunt of the consequences. Recently, a study found the neighborhood had more National Flood Insurance Program claims than all of Cook County.
Scientists and citizens alike seek to solve this problem, yet more avenues are needed for community members to take action to address the flooding and understand why it occurs.
Kelly Wagman, a fourth-year Ph.D. student with the Amyoli Internet Research Lab in the University of Chicago’s Department of Computer Science directed by Associate Professor Marshini Chetty, is leading the design of a climate app that would enable the community and the scientists to communicate more effectively with each other.
The project is part of the Community Research on Climate and Urban Science (CROCUS) initiative, led by Argonne National Laboratory, which was granted $25 million in funding by the U.S. Department of Energy to study microclimates and flooding in urban areas like Chatham.
In collaboration with local organizations like the Greater Chatham Initiative, the scientists hope to better understand the unique solutions communities might need, but there is limited capacity for the two parties to communicate their needs to each other. The Amyoli Internet Research lab sought to bridge the gap between scientists and the community.
Through communications with scientists and two round-table discussions with residents through the Greater Chatham Initiative, Wagman and two undergraduates, Kanchan Naik and Madison Vanderbilt, worked together to build several mock ups of ideas based on their feedback. At the second workshop, residents voted on which they liked best.
“What came out of that is a flood reporting tool where residents can report basement or street flooding that will show up on a map that other people can see in the community,” Wagman said. “This will provide the community with a way to have a local data set about flooding and share real time updates to 311 or their Aldermen.”