Big Brains: All Episodes

Translating groundbreaking research into digestible brain food. Produced out at the University of Chicago. Honored by CASE for the past four years as the best podcast in higher ed; winner of the PRNEWS's Platinum Award, Communicators Award and Adweek's "best branded podcast." 

Big Brains podcst

Episode List

Why your gut health is so important, with Cathryn Nagler and Eric Pamer (Ep. 109)

Scientists discuss what we now know about building your microbiome, food allergies and probiotics

Why Mourning Is Essential to Our Well-Being, with Jonathan Lear (Ep. 108)

Philosopher discusses how mourning helps us find meaning

The overlooked history of Black cinema, with Jacqueline Stewart (Ep. 84)

Academy Museum’s artistic leader examines how films help contextualize Black history

The scientific secret to a happy life, with Marc Schulz (Ep. 107)

‘The Good Life’ co-author discusses the world’s longest study on happiness

Unraveling sleep’s greatest mysteries: The Day Tomorrow Began (Ep. 106)

Explore how UChicago pioneered research on sleep and its effects on the body—and the questions still puzzling scientists

Is the U.S. headed toward another civil war? with William Howell (Ep. 105)


Political scientists examine extreme polarization—and whether we’re more moderate than we think

Why Quantum Tech Will Change Our Future: The Day Tomorrow Began (Ep. 104)

Explore how foundational discoveries at UChicago have shaped quantum research

The origins of civilization and the future of archaeology: The Day Tomorrow Began (Ep. 103)

How an Indiana Jones-type figure transformed the field—and the questions scholars are wrestling with today

Can we predict your capacity to focus? with Monica Rosenberg (Ep. 102)

Neuroscientist uses MRIs to measure your attention—and learn how to improve it

The ‘legendary’ discovery of black holes: The Day Tomorrow Began (Ep. 101)

Explore the surprising history of these cosmic monsters—and the future of research from leaders in the field