Big Brains: All Episodes

Translating groundbreaking research into digestible brain food. Produced out at the University of Chicago. Honored by CASE for the past four years as the best podcast in higher ed; winner of the PRNEWS's Platinum Award, Communicators Award and Adweek's "best branded podcast." 

Big Brains podcst

Episode List

Why the secret to health lies in the mind-body connection, with Ellen Langer (Ep. 119)

Renowned psychologist examines how mindfulness can transform our well-being

Phonics vs. whole word: The science of reading, with Adrian Johns (Ep. 118)

The complicated history of how we read—and ways it sparked the Reading Wars and anti-science rhetoric

How AI is transforming scientific research, with Rebecca Willett (Ep. 117)

Examining the possibilities—and the dangers—of this rapidly developing technology

How your brain benefits from music, with Larry Sherman (Ep. 116)

Scholar explains the neuroscience of how listening to and playing music builds our mind

Magic words: Can what you say help you get your way? with Jonah Berger (Ep. 115)

Scholar examines the power of language—and how you use it—can change your life

Providing basic health insurance for every American, with Katherine Baicker (Ep. 114)

Economist proposes redesign of U.S. system to create universal coverage in an affordable way

The hidden truths about sexuality and gender in the medieval world, with Roland Betancourt (Ep. 113)

Scholar of Byzantine era uncovers the lost history about queer and trans lives in the Middle Ages

How bioelectricity could regrow limbs and organs, with Michael Levin (Ep. 112)

Biologist’s innovative research on how cells rebuild themselves could be the future of regenerative medicine

A Nobelist’s controversial approach to solving inequality, with James Heckman (Ep. 111)

Economist examines how investments in early childhood help kids flourish

How the food industry created today’s obesity crisis, with Marion Nestle (Ep. 110)

Scholar and critic discusses how politics in food and processed foods is impacting our health