NASA selects UChicago undergraduates’ proposal to build a ‘nano-satellite’
Student-designed CubeSat aims to increase speed, security of space-to-ground communications
XRISM satellite launches to study the universe in different colors of X-rays
Data to reveal flows of matter and energy close to black holes, elemental makeup of the universe
In surprise discovery, NASA rover finds cracks in ancient Martian mud
Conditions that created the cracks could have been favorable for emergence of microscopic life
The Southern Hemisphere is stormier than the Northern, and we finally know why
UChicago research offers first concrete explanation for difference, and show it is getting even stormier over time
James Webb Space telescope reveals a faraway planet’s band of clouds
New measurements paint detailed portrait of an exoplanet’s atmosphere
Scientists announce first detection of carbon dioxide on a faraway planet with James Webb Space Telescope
First unequivocal detection of carbon dioxide ushers in a new era of exoplanet science
Meteorite provides record of asteroids ‘spitting out’ pebbles
Field Museum, UChicago scientists explain strange behavior seen in 2019 on Bennu asteroid
NASA’s new flagship telescope just released its beautiful first images of the universe
Nebulas, galaxy clusters among first batch of images from James Webb Space Telescope, successor to Hubble