Ways to celebrate Earth Month 2024 at the University of Chicago

With the arrival of spring, we are reminded of ways to protect our planet as the world prepares to celebrate Earth Day on April 22.

As the University of Chicago continues its goal to cut emissions in half by 2030 as outlined in the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan and led by the Office of Sustainability, learn how UChicago academics and staff can get involved in Earth-forward initiatives and events at the University of Chicago this month with our list below.

April 15: Learn about strategies for sustainability

At a UChicago Dining roundtable, Midwest Dairy will discuss its initiatives related to reducing its carbon footprint, water conservation, animal welfare and waste reduction in this event held at Baker Dining Commons.

Event information

April 16: Attend a lecture on bicycling, access, and barriers in India, Bangladesh and Ghana

At a Mansueto Institute event, postdoctoral scholar Smruthi Bala Kannan will discuss these issues and how they relate to human health and environmental sustainability. Registered in-person attendees will receive lunch; a Zoom option is available.

Event information.

April 20: Volunteer for an Earth Day of Service

Participants in the University Community Service Center event should check in at the South Lounge of Reynolds Club (5706 S. University Ave.) before departing to various eco-focused project sites across the South Side. RSVPs are required by April 15.

Register for the event.

April 20: Celebrate ‘Ancient Earth Day’

The Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures will host an afternoon of activities focused on the environmental issues and the ancient world. The free, family-friendly event will include a gallery tour about recycling and sustainability, Ted talk-style presentations about the environment climate and archaeology, Earth Day-theme crafts, gallery activities and puzzles, and more.

Register for the event.

April 22: Earth Day student-alumni mixer

At this event, UChicago students can connect with alumni and explore the Committee on Environment, Geography and Urbanization (CEGU) program. Alumni will discuss the pivotal undergraduate experiences that shaped their careers, while students can learn more about the skills crucial for success, and discover how to cultivate Chicago-based connections. 

Register for the event.

April 25: Hear about research from the Environmental Frontiers Campus program

Participants in the EF Campus program will share what they’ve learned about UChicago’s laboratory energy use and carbon emissions related to air travel. A vegan lunch will be provided to in-person attendees at the Mansueto Institute. A Zoom option is available.

Event information.

April 27: Attend a farmer’s market on the Main Quad

All are welcome to attend the market, organized the Phoenix Sustainability Initiative RSO, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in the South Lounge of the Reynolds Club from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

May 2: Attend a symposium on housing and climate change

UChicago’s Kreisman Initiative for Housing Law and Policy will bring together several speakers from around the country to the Rubenstein Forum to discuss the connections between climate change and the lack of affordable housing, and how to solve both.

Register for the symposium.