University of Chicago Booth School of Business professors Sanjay Dhar, Haresh Sapra and Craig Wortmann have been recognized by students for their work in the classroom during the 2011-12 academic year.

Dhar, the James H. Lorie Professor of Marketing, received the Hillel J. Einhorn Excellence in Teaching Award from students in the Executive MBA Program, North America.

Sapra, professor of accounting, was selected by students in all of Chicago Booth’s programs as this year’s recipient of the Emory Williams Award for Teaching Excellence.

Craig Wortmann, clinical professor of entrepreneurship, received the Faculty Excellence Award from students in the Evening MBA and Weekend MBA Programs.

Students in the Executive MBA Program at Booth’s campuses in London and Singapore selected Matthew Bothner, a visiting faculty member, as the recipient of the European and Asian Hillel J. Einhorn Excellence in Teaching Award.

“It is a privilege to teach such an exclusive, engaged group of students,” said Dhar, who has been a Chicago Booth faculty member for 19 years. “You have to be on your best game to teach Booth Executive MBA students and winning this award is a great honor,” Dhar said.

For Sapra, this is a repeat, as he has received the Emory Williams Award before. “It is very gratifying to be recognized for something that I love to do,” he said. His MBA courses, which cover mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring, are designed to be challenging and practical, he said.

Wortmann says the most rewarding aspect of teaching at Booth is hearing from students “that what we do in the classroom is sticking.”