Wu Hung
Title: Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor of Art History, East Asian Languages & Civilizations, and the College
Expertise: Identity
Departmental website: https://arthistory.uchicago.edu/faculty/profiles/wu-hung
Raghuram G. Rajan
Title: Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance
Departmental website: https://www.chicagobooth.edu/faculty/directory/r/raghuram-g-rajan
Richard Thaler
Title: Charles R. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics
Expertise: Economics, Finance, Decision making, Behavioral economics
Departmental website: http://www.chicagobooth.edu/faculty/directory/t/richard-h-thaler
Robert Pape
Title: Professor of Political Science; Director of the Chicago Project on Security and Threats
Expertise: Propaganda, Terrorism, National Security
Departmental website: https://political-science.uchicago.edu/directory/robert-pape
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-pape
Susan Goldin-Meadow
Title: Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology, Comparative Human Development and the College
Expertise: Children, Language, Gestures, Sign language
Departmental website: https://psychology.uchicago.edu/directory/susan-goldin-meadow
Saul Levmore
Title: William B. Graham Distinguished Service Professor of Law
Expertise: Law and economics, Reparations
University website: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/faculty/levmore
Steven Levitt
Title: William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and the College
Expertise: Cheating
Departmental website: https://economics.uchicago.edu/directory/steve-levitt
Roger B. Myerson
Title: Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and the College
Expertise: Economics, Game theory, Politics, Voting
Departmental website: https://harris.uchicago.edu/directory/roger-myerson
Personal website: http://home.uchicago.edu/rmyerson/
McGuire Gibson
Title: Professor Emeritus of Mesopotamian Architecture
Expertise: Archaeology, Mesopotamia
Departmental website: https://nelc.uchicago.edu/faculty/gibson
Mary Anne Case
Title: Arnold I. Shure Professor of Law
Expertise: First Amendment
Departmental website: http://www.law.uchicago.edu/faculty/case/