Study by UChicago scientists finds four tiny planets around one of our nearest stars
MAROON-X instrument finds evidence for planets around famous Barnard’s Star
Scientists track sea ice loss with earthquake sensors
UChicago study uses seismological “background noise” from worldwide monitoring network to study Arctic
Lunar rocks help scientists pinpoint when the moon crystallized
UChicago scientists study samples from Apollo missions, reveal new details about lunar history
Doomsday Clock moves closest ever to apocalypse—at 89 seconds to midnight
'Any move towards midnight should be taken as an indication of extreme danger and an unmistakable warning,' said the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Stuart A. Rice, UChicago professor who shaped the field of physical chemistry, 1932-2024
Distinguished scientist remembered for groundbreaking research, tireless teaching and mentorship
How an ‘accidental chemist’ honed his approach at UChicago on the way to a Nobel Prize
Nobel laureate John Jumper, SM’12, PhD’17, recalls multidisciplinary journey to creating AlphaFold program
Paul Mendes-Flohr, preeminent scholar of modern Jewish thought, 1941-2024
UChicago Prof. Emeritus was ‘foundational figure’ in German-Jewish intellectual history
The long and strange lives of Enrico Fermi’s accelerator building at UChicago
Campus space has shaped scientific research, from cosmic rays to the Higgs boson to dinosaur fossils
UChicago scientists create molecules that can ‘turn off’ cancer growth in mice
New study targets previously ‘undruggable’ class of proteins involved in cancer
UChicago alum John Jumper shares Nobel Prize for model to predict protein structures
AlphaFold co-inventor becomes 100th scholar associated with UChicago to receive Nobel Prize