Supratik Guha
Title: Professor of Molecular Engineering; Director, Nanoscience and Technology Div., Argonne National Laboratory
Expertise: Materials science, Nanofabrication, Quantum technology
Departmental website:
Aashish Clerk
Title: Professor of Molecular Engineering
Expertise: Quantum technology, Theoretical quantum science
Departmental website:
Andrew Cleland
Title: John A. MacLean Sr. Professor for Molecular Engineering Innovation and Enterprise
Expertise: Quantum technology
Personal Website:
David D. Awschalom
Title: Liew Family Professor in Molecular Engineering; Vice Dean for Research and Infrastructure
Expertise: Nanoelectronics, Quantum technology
Departmental website:
Matthew Tirrell
Title: Dean of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
Expertise: Molecular engineering, Polymers
Departmental website: