Supratik Guha

Supratik Guha

Supratik Guha uses nanoscale materials to make advances in new devices for future information processing technologies. A world-leading materials engineer, Prof. Guha has provided expert testimony to Congress on the importance of quantum technology. His work on sensor networks includes the development of Thoreau (, a fully buried wireless sensor network that maps real-time soil measurements at different agricultural fields in Illinois. 

A scientist and executive at IBM for 20 years, Prof. Guha pioneered the materials research that led to the company’s high-κ dielectric metal gate transistor technology, one of the most significant developments in silicon technology in decades. This technology is widely used in smartphones and high-performance computers today worldwide.  His research group uses its expertise in the discovery science of new electronic materials and the design and nanofabrication of devices in projects that involve building new types of quantum and classical memories for computing, new methods of atomic scale fabrication, and sensors for geospatial networks for terrestrial ecology. He also holds a joint appointment at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, where he has held executive positions as Director of the Center for Nanoscale Materials, and as Senior Science Advisor to the Director of Argonne, responsible for shaping Argonne’s scientific strategy.

Guha Stories

Homemade masks made of silk and cotton may boost protection

A preliminary study by University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory researchers suggests that a combination of masks made of high thread-count cotton and natural silk fabric or a chiffon weave can effectively filter out aerosol particles––if the fit is good.

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