Geophysical Sciences
Potential diamond factory discovered at center of Earth
Potential diamond factory discovered at center of Earth
Nov 23, 2022
New technique to determine age will open new era of planetary science, researchers say
New technique to determine age will open new era of planetary science, researchers say
Oct 25, 2022
Rock scooped off speeding asteroid suggests it was once comet that lost its tail
Rock scooped off speeding asteroid suggests it was once comet that lost its tail
Oct 20, 2022
Scientists release first analysis of rocks plucked from speeding asteroid
Scientists release first analysis of rocks plucked from speeding asteroid
Jun 9, 2022
Why did Mars dry out? New study points to unusual answers
Why did Mars dry out? New study points to unusual answers
May 25, 2022
UChicago scientists assemble largest-ever family tree for primates
UChicago scientists assemble largest-ever family tree for primates
May 25, 2022
Lasers, 3D printing reveal how the ground shakes following earthquakes
Lasers, 3D printing reveal how the ground shakes following earthquakes
May 17, 2022
Beads of glass in meteorites help scientists piece together how solar system formed
Beads of glass in meteorites help scientists piece together how solar system formed
Dec 2, 2021
Clam fossils help scientists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations
Clam fossils help scientists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations
Dec 1, 2021
Scientists find strange black ‘superionic ice’ that could exist inside other planets
Scientists find strange black ‘superionic ice’ that could exist inside other planets
Oct 21, 2021
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