Black holes

Black hole collisions could help us measure how fast the universe is expanding

UChicago astronomers propose ‘spectral siren’ method to understand evolution of the universe

Astronomers reveal first image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy

South Pole Telescope, UChicago scientists help take historic image of Milky Way’s supermassive black hole

Event Horizon Telescope takes pioneering image of massive jet spewing from black hole

UChicago-led South Pole Telescope helps pinpoint location of supermassive black hole in galaxy Centaurus A

What we’ll remember from 2020—at UChicago and beyond

Challenging year included accomplishments and breakthroughs worth celebrating

Watch Nobel laureate Andrea Ghez explain how to prove a black hole exists

Physicist explains challenges, triumphs at University of Chicago’s Maria Goeppert Mayer Lecture

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