The University is planning a return to in-person Convocation ceremonies this year, including a campus-wide celebration June 4 on the Main Quadrangles.
Photo by Jean Lachat

Campus-wide ceremony to feature address from renowned cosmologist Wendy Freedman

The University of Chicago plans to hold all Convocation ceremonies in person this year, including a campus-wide celebration on June 4 on the Main Quadrangles.

President Paul Alivisatos, who will preside over his first Convocation since joining UChicago last fall, will confer degrees to this year’s graduates. Prof. Wendy Freedman, a world-renowned cosmologist, will be this year’s faculty speaker.

Since 1893, the University has celebrated Convocation, the annual “calling together” of the University community and its graduating students. The ceremony will honor this year’s graduates and their accomplishments, as well as faculty teaching award winners and honorary degree recipients.

The three-day Convocation celebration will begin June 3 with the Class Day ceremony on the Main Quadrangles. The event will honor graduating College students and feature an address from bestselling author Samira Ahmed, AB’93, MAT’93. Diploma ceremonies for the College as well as diploma and hooding ceremonies for the schools and divisions will take place from June 3-5.

The University’s plans will be subject to any health and safety protocols in place at the time of the events.

For those unable to attend, the Class Day and Convocation ceremonies will be webcast on the UChicago News website and its digital channels. For more information, and a full schedule of diploma and hooding ceremonies, visit the Convocation website.