Five teams of University of Chicago and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory researchers, including one team with an Argonne National Laboratory member, recently received $375,000, collectively, in Strategic Collaborative Initiative seed grants from UChicago. Three of the five teams received second-year funding.
The FY 2012 recipients include:
- "Simulating the Universe with Realistic Physics" (Year 2) UChicago investigator Andrey Kravtsov, Associate Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Fermilab investigator Nickolay Gnedin, Scientist I in the Theoretical Astrophysics Group
- "Understanding Ultrahigh Quality Factor Accelerator Cavities in the Quantum Regime" (Year 2) UChicago investigator David Schuster, Assistant Professor in Physics, and Fermilab investigator Lance Cooley, Scientist in the Superconducting Materials Department
- "A New Photodetection System for PET Imaging Using Silicon Photomultipliers" (Year 2) UChicago investigator Chin-Tu Chen, Associate Professor in Radiology, and Fermilab investigator Erik Ramberg, Scientist II in the Particle Physics Division
- "Optical Modulation with Wavelength Division Multiplexing from HEP Data Readout" UChicago investigator Mark Oreglia, Professor in Physics; Argonne investigator Robert Stanek, Physicist in the High Energy Physics Division; and Fermilab investigator Simon Kwan, Scientist II in the Computing Division
- "Development of Low Noise Electronics for the First Direct Dark Matter Search Using CCDs" UChicago investigator Paolo Privitera, Professor in Physics, and Fermilab investigators Juan Estrada, Scientist II in the Particle Physics Division and Gustavo Cancelo, Engineer IV in the Computing Division
The Strategic Collaborative Initiatives Program began in 2005, when the University renewed its contract with the DOE to manage Argonne. It includes collaborative research projects, strategic joint appointments and joint institutes. The University extended the program to Fermilab when it became co-manager of the lab in 2006.