Three members of the University of Chicago faculty have been elected to the American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the United States.

The new members are Glenn Most, professor in the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought; Anne W. Robertson, the Claire Dux Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Music and the Humanities in the College and chair of Music; and Rosanna Warren, the Hanna Holborn Gray Distinguished Service Professor in the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought and the College.

Also among the newly elected members are two UChicago alumni, Paul Alivisatos, AB’81, and Claudia Goldin, AM’69, PhD’72, and honorary PhD recipient David Dean Shulman.

Glenn Most’s work is largely concerned with Classical Greek poetry and philosophy, aesthetic theory, and the history of Classical scholarship. He has published numerous books and articles on Classics, the history and methodology of Classical studies, the Classical tradition and comparative literature, modern philosophy and literature, literary theory, and the history of art.

His current projects include a four-volume Greek and English Loeb edition of the Presocratics, a bilingual edition of the complete corpus of ancient and mediaeval scholia and commentaries to Hesiod’s Theogony, and volumes of essays on the suicide of Ajax in Sophocles’ tragedy and on philological methods in a variety of canonical written traditions.

Most has held visiting professorships throughout the United States and Europe. He joined the University of Chicago faculty in 1996.

Anne Walters Robertson is an expert on the music of the middle ages, with a particular focus on 15th-century sacred polyphony, the 14th century French composer Guillaume de Machaut, French medieval liturgical music, ceremony and architecture, and music and mysticism.

Her books include The Service Books of the Royal Abbey of St. Denis: Images of Ritual and Music in the Middle Ages, which earned the John Nicholas Brown Prize of the Medieval Academy of America and Guillaume de Machaut and Reims: Context and Meaning in his Musical Works, which won the Otto Kinkeldey Award of the American Musicological Society.

Throughout her career, she has been involved in the work of the broader University and professional organizations, serving as deputy provost for Research and Education (2001-4) and chair of the Music Department, as well as co-chair of the OPUS Campaign of the American Musicological Society (2005-9) and president of the American Musicological Society (2011-12). Robertson became a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2008.

An acclaimed poet, Rosanna Warren examines poetry and translation, and the relations between classical and modern literature in her scholarship. Among her award-winning poetry are titles such as: Each Leaf Shines Separate; Stained Glass, which won the Lamont Award from the Academy of American Poets; and Departure (2003). Her most recent book of poems is Ghost in a Red Hat (2011). She is also author of a book of literary criticism, Fables of the Self: Studies in Lyric Poetry (2008).

Warren is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and has served as chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. Her honors include the Award of Merit in Poetry from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Witter Byner Poetry Prize, the Sara Teasdale Award in Poetry and a Guggenheim Fellowship. During 2008 and 2009, Warren was a fellow of the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library.

She graduated from Yale University in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in painting and received an MA from the Writing Seminars at the Johns Hopkins University in 1980.