Edward Kolb

Edward ‘Rocky’ Kolb

  • Title: Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Education: BS, University of New Orleans; PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • Joined UChicago faculty: 2006
  • rocky.kolb@uchicago.edu

Edward ''Rocky'' Kolb

EdwardRocky’ Kolb’s research focuses on the application of elementary-particle physics to the very early universe, including cosmic inflation models, gravitational production of particles, particle dark matter and dark energy. Prof. Kolb has presented public lectures on dark energy and dark matter all over the world. He has appeared in several television productions, such as interviewing Stephen Hawking for the Discovery Channel; he can also be seen in the IMAX film The Cosmic Voyage.

In addition to over 200 scientific papers, he is a co-author of The Early Universe, the standard textbook on particle physics and cosmology, and Blind Watchers of the Sky which received an Emme Award from the American Aeronautical Society. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

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Meredith Davis

Media Relations Manager, News Office

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Cosmology, Big Bang, Dark energy, Dark matter, Space exploration