Bozhi Tian BW

Bozhi Tian

  • Title: Professor of Chemistry
  • Education: BS, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; AM, PhD, both from Harvard University
  • Joined UChicago faculty: 2012

Bozhi Tian

Bozhi Tian is a leader in the emerging field of bioelectronics—merging semiconductor technology and living tissue.

He has created “intelligent” artificially grown tissue, such as synthetic blood vessels that can monitor the pH of liquid flowing through, as well as tiny wires to modulate brain signals and “scales” and “bones” that could be integrated into implants, among others.

His many honors include the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award, and the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Development CAREER Award.

Tian Stories

Transistor can adhere to internal organs like tape

UChicago researchers’ design makes stable, suture-free medical monitoring in body possible

Eleven books to read over summer 2023

UChicago teaching award winners share their selections

Chemist draws on research to create art

Prof. Bozhi Tian melds nature and technology in the lab and on the page

Sponge-like solar cells could be basis for better pacemakers

Invented by UChicago scientists, a new kind of solar cell could spur useful technology

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Media Contacts

Meredith Davis

Media Relations Manager, News Office

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