
The First Biennial Norman Cutler Conference on South Asian Literature (Part 1)

The Norman Cutler Conference on South Asian Literature (COSAL) honors the life and work of the late Norman Cutler, former Professor of Tamil in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations.The purposes of the conference are:* to create an...

The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future

Lecture by Martha Nussbaum, the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago.While America is focused on religious militancy and terrorism in the Middle East, democracy has been under siege from religious ...

Intersex at the Intersection of Queer Theory & Disability Theory

A talk by Emi Koyama, Director, Intersex Initiative. Part of the Japan at Chicago Lecture Series: Celebrating Protest. Sponsored by the Japan Committee of the Center for East Asian Studies, the Human Rights Program, the Center for International Studie...

The Atomic Bazaar: The Rise of the Nuclear Poor

Lecture by journalist William Langewiesche.In his book The Atomic Bazaar, Langewiesche investigates the burgeoning global threat of nuclear weapons production. As more unstable and undeveloped nations find ways of acquiring the ultimate arms, the stake...

Japanese Education and Society in Crisis

A talk by Yoshifumi Tawara, Secretary General of the Children and Textbooks Japan Network 21. Part of the Japan at Chicago Lecture Series: Celebrating Protest. Sponsored by the Japan Committee of the Center for East Asian Studies, the Human Rights Prog...

United States Government Perspective Global Energy Security

Introduction by Robert Zimmer, President, University of Chicago; Keynote Address by The Honorable Alan S. Hegburg, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Energy Policy. Session 1 of the conference "Petroleum: Prospects and Politics...

Securing the International Oil Supply

A panel featuring David Goldwyn, President of Goldwyn International Strategies LLC; Senior Fellow in the Energy Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; former Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Affairs; Scott Nauman,...

United States Energy Policy and Oil Alternatives

A panel featuring James Bartis, Senior Policy Researcher at RAND Corporation; former Vice President, Science Applications International Corporation; Cofounder, Eos Technologies; Roger H. Bezdek, President of Management Information Services, Inc.; forme...

Petroleum Technology Presentation

A talk by Brian C. Gahan, Energy Consultant; Chair of the Chicago Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers; former Senior Scientist and Manager of E&P Technology Development at the Gas Technology Institute. Session 4 of the conference "P...