
Is the Administrative State Consistent with the Rule of Law?

Without question, the most distinctive feature of the modern social democratic state is the rise of administrative agencies, which at the federal level function as a shadowy Fourth Branch of government that fits uneasily into our constitutional scheme ...

The World of the Framers: A Christian Nation?

It has become commonplace in American political discourse for Christian evangelicals to assert that the United States was founded as a "Christian nation" and that in recent decades secularists have gained control and distorted our nation's founding tr...

Predicting Crime (without the Pre-Cogs)

In the absence of pre-cognitive superbeings and Tom Cruise, how are police and policy makers supposed to allocate scarce crime-fighting resources? There is a vibrant academic literature on predicting crime, with models of various types offered as the ...

Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq

A talk by Dahr Jamail, independent journalist reporting from Iraq.As the occupation of Iraq unravels, the demand for independent reporting is growing. Since 2003, unembedded journalist Dahr Jamail has filed indispensable reports from Iraq that have mad...

The Talibanization of South Asia: Can it Be Stopped?

A talk by Pervez Hoodbhoy, Department of Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy received his bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics, master's in solid state physics, and Ph.D in nuclear physics, all from t...

The Oil and Glory

A talk by Steven LeVine, journalist and author.Pipeline politics became a modern day version of the 19th Century's Great Game, in which Britain and Russia had employed cunning and bluff to gain supremacy over the lands of the Caucasus and Central Asia....

Photography as Prophecy: India 1839-1900

Christopher Pinney, Professor of Anthropology & Visual Culture, University College London; Visiting Crowe Professor, Department of Art History, Northwestern University.

China's Brave New World and Other Tales for Global Times

A talk by Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Professor of History at the University of California, Irvine.If Chairman Mao came back to life today, what would he think of Nanjing's bookstore, the "Librairie Avant-Garde", where it is easier to find primers on Michel F...

The Mind of the Market

A talk by author and psychologist Michael Shermer. Michael Shermer explains how evolution shaped the modern economy-and why people are so irrational about money. How did we make the leap from ancient hunter-gatherers to modern consumers and traders? Wh...