Scientists find one of the most ancient stars that formed in another galaxy
Scientists find one of the most ancient stars that formed in another galaxy
Mar 20, 2024
Scientists find an unusual star that hints at a new way stars can die
Scientists find an unusual star that hints at a new way stars can die
Jan 10, 2024
Supernova forensics: Eight years later, an explosion far out in space is still revealing secrets about the lives of stars
Supernova forensics: Eight years later, an explosion far out in space is still revealing secrets about the lives of stars
Apr 27, 2022
Twelve for dinner: How the Milky Way ‘ate’ smaller star clusters and galaxies
Twelve for dinner: How the Milky Way ‘ate’ smaller star clusters and galaxies
Jan 11, 2022
‘There may not be a conflict after all’ in expanding universe debate
‘There may not be a conflict after all’ in expanding universe debate
Jun 30, 2021
Aging stars provide a new cosmological yardstick
Aging stars provide a new cosmological yardstick
Mar 2, 2021
Dark Energy Survey releases catalog of nearly 700 million astronomical objects to the public
Dark Energy Survey releases catalog of nearly 700 million astronomical objects to the public
Jan 14, 2021
UChicago undergrads discover bright lensed galaxy in the early universe
UChicago undergrads discover bright lensed galaxy in the early universe
Jan 13, 2021
UChicago scientists teach a neural net to find baby star flares
UChicago scientists teach a neural net to find baby star flares
Oct 23, 2020
New telescope reveals most detailed images of sun’s surface
New telescope reveals most detailed images of sun’s surface
Jan 29, 2020