Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering

UChicago scientists make major advance in quantum sound

Pritzker Molecular Engineering researchers entangled two physically separate resonators

Scientists explore how to make quantum bits with spinel gemstones

UChicago, Argonne, Tohoku University partnership finds spinel can store quantum information

UChicago scientists at PME design new quantum chip

Research demonstrates a flexible, modular way to scale up quantum computing devices

In bioelectronics breakthrough, scientists create soft, flexible semiconductors

UChicago Pritzker Molecular Engineering study could lead to better brain-machine interfaces, biosensors, and pacemakers

UChicago scientists invent a way to bond diamond layers for quantum devices

New synthetic diamond technique by Pritzker Molecular Engineering scientists could improve electronics

At 2024 Chicago Quantum Summit, leaders temper hype, hail momentum of global quantum effort

UChicago event features discussions about commercialization, workforce building and need for continued investment

Leading experts to gather for seventh annual Chicago Quantum Summit

Event to highlight industry and government collaborations, spark innovation, and engage public