A black and white photo of Prof. Saul Levmore
UChicago Law

Saul Levmore

Saul Levmore has taught and written about torts, corporations, copyright, non-profit organizations, comparative law, public choice, corporate tax, commercial law, insurance and contracts. His writing continues to cut across many fields, and most recently has concerned sexual assaults on campuses, retirement and savings policy, and the use of artificial intelligence in lawmaking.

He was dean of the University of Chicago Law School from 2001 to 2009. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Vice President of the American Law and Economics Association, a past president of the American Law Deans Association, and a past trustee of the Law School Admissions Council and of the Skadden Foundation. Away from law, he has been an adviser on corporate governance issues and on development strategies and is the author of a book on games and puzzles and another entitled Aging Thoughtfully.

Levmore Stories

Helping the world’s poor claim legal rights

When lawyers for International Justice Mission first encountered a Kenyan inmate named Peter in late 2009, he had been languishing in prison without bail for 12 months on charges of robbery with violence—an offense punishable by death.

Sarah Galer

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