UChicago women’s tennis team finishes as NCAA Division III runner-up for second year in a row
Top-ranked Maroons won 23 matches before loss in championship
China’s human rights violations raise ‘unprecedented’ conflict for Olympic movement, scholar says
Prof. John MacAloon: Threats to athlete speech at 2022 Beijing Olympics unlike any previous Games
How alum Kim Ng became a baseball pioneer
Before her rise as the first woman GM in MLB history, Ng was a college softball star and data whiz
Chicago Booth alum Jason Wright named NFL’s first Black team president
Wright, MBA’13, joins Washington Football Team as league’s youngest team president
Sports economists: $101M WooSox stadium deal unlikely to beat the odds
<p>Sr. Lect. Allen Sanderson discusses local fans at sports games</p>
University of Chicago Swimming & Diving Adds Becky Benson to Coaching Staff
<p>UChicago Swimming & Diving names Becky Benson as new Head Diving Coach</p>