Machine learning

UChicago scientists use machine learning to turn cell snapshots dynamic

Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering study hopes to use machine learning to boost cancer, immunology research

UChicago scientists teach a neural net to find baby star flares

Artificial intelligence helps understand the evolution of young stars and their planets

How computer science can help fight COVID-19

UChicago researchers launch projects exploring health disparities, machine learning

Bryon Aragam

Title: Associate Professor of Econometrics and Statistics and Robert H. Topel Faculty Scholar

Expertise: Data Science, Econometrics, Machine learning, Statistics

Departmental website:

Personal website :

Sendhil Mullainathan

Title: Roman Family University Professor of Computation and Behavioral Science, Chicago Booth

Expertise: Behavioral science, Machine learning

Departmental website:

James Evans

Title: Professor, Department of Sociology; Director, Knowledge Lab; Faculty Director, Computational Social Science Program

Expertise: Sociology, Innovation, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence

Departmental website:

Lab website:

Rebecca Willett

Title: Professor of Statistics and Computer Science

Expertise: Machine learning, Data Science, Statistics

Departmental website:

Sanjay Krishnan

Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

Expertise: Machine learning

Departmental website: