Siberian hamsters lose half their weight each winter. Scientists sequenced their DNA to find out how.
Siberian hamsters lose half their weight each winter. Scientists sequenced their DNA to find out how.
Jun 10, 2019
Thomas Nagylaki, geneticist and ‘quintessential’ UChicagoan, 1944-2019
Thomas Nagylaki, geneticist and ‘quintessential’ UChicagoan, 1944-2019
Mar 14, 2019
This eel-like animal can regrow a severed spinal cord—twice
This eel-like animal can regrow a severed spinal cord—twice
Jan 30, 2019
Do colder temperatures affect lifespan? Depends on genetics
Do colder temperatures affect lifespan? Depends on genetics
Dec 20, 2018
Adaptation to starchy diet, high altitudes helped ancient settlers survive
Adaptation to starchy diet, high altitudes helped ancient settlers survive
Nov 9, 2018
Elephants rarely get cancer. Here's why this matters to humans
Elephants rarely get cancer. Here's why this matters to humans
Aug 15, 2018
‘Zombie’ gene protects elephants against cancer
‘Zombie’ gene protects elephants against cancer
Aug 14, 2018
Staggering prices slow insurers' coverage of blood cancer therapy
Staggering prices slow insurers' coverage of blood cancer therapy
Jul 26, 2018
Genetic Testing Could Help Find The Perfect Prescription
Genetic Testing Could Help Find The Perfect Prescription
Jul 5, 2018
Zebra finches’ social experiences alter their genomic DNA, changing ability to learn
Zebra finches’ social experiences alter their genomic DNA, changing ability to learn
May 4, 2018
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