
Kaplan: Romney honed the right skills in private equity

Prof. Stephen Kaplan argues presidential candidate's experience should help U.S. economy grow

Economists get a platform for policy debates

Chicago Booth-run website allows prominent academic economists to discuss key issues

Economic Confucian

Justin Yifu Lin, PhD'86, tells what the World Bank can learn from classical Chinese philosophy

How household debt contributes to unemployment

Prof. Amir Sufi co-authors report that finds strong relation between household debt, consumption and unemployment

Here we go again

Sr. Lect. Allen Sanderson downplays impact of NBA lockout on local economy

Renowned economist Murphy lends smarts to NBPA's cause

Chicago Booth professor working with NBA players union during lockout

Taxpayers feel fallout from NBA lockout

Sr. Lect. Allen Sanderson notes local fans will continue to spend in cities, even without basketball

'Occupy Wall Street' inspires protests in other cities

Prof. James Heckman says that while upping taxes on rich wouldn't greatly impact deficit, it would create a 'society of inclusion'