Patrick Jagoda

Patrick Jagoda specializes in media theory, game studies and design, and twentieth and twenty-first century American literature and culture. Alongside this position, he is the co-founder of the Game Changer Chicago Design Lab and the Transmedia Story Lab. His is the faculty director of the Weston Game Lab and the Media Arts and Design minor at the University of Chicago. With his efforts and insights, Prof. Jagoda helped develop the game studies and game design at the University of Chicago.

Prof Jagoda is the author of Network Aesthetics (2016) and co-author of The Game Worlds of Jason Rohrer (2016). His current forthcoming book projects include Experimental Games and a collaborative multimedia book, Story Lab: Collaborative Narrative Methods for a Transmedia Era.

Additionally, he has published over thirty essays in humanistic journals such as American Journal of Play, American Literary History, American Literature, boundary 2, Critical Inquiry, differences, Modern Philology, PMLA, and Social Text; multimedia journals such as Audiovisual Thinking, hyperrhiz, Kairos, and Thresholds; and scientific journals such as Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Journal of STEM Education, and Sex Education.

Prof. Jagoda also serves as executive editor of the interdisciplinary journal Critical Inquiry.  His digital media and game projects have been featured in WIRED, The New Republic, Fast Company, Pacific Standard, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Hyperallergic, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Jagoda Stories

A role-playing game that’s uniquely UChicago

Students and scholars design Haven Academy to introduce undergraduates to free expression and university life

Patrick Jagoda to deliver Aims of Education address Sept. 26

Scholar to examine how ‘learning is play’ while welcoming the Class of 2028

Middle schoolers tackle climate change in a new alternate reality game

Classrooms pilot 'Cene'—designed by UChicago scholars to encourage creative problem-solving

ECHO game brings students together—and keeps them safe

Campus community finds connection in innovative project from UChicago researchers

New game to help UChicago community connect during Autumn Quarter

Through puzzles and play, ECHO challenges participants to explore ideas of health