Monica Peek BW

Monica Peek

  • Title: Associate Professor of Medicine; Associate Director, Chicago Center for Diabetes Translational Research
  • Education: BS; Vanderbilt University; MPH, MD, both from Johns Hopkins University
  • @DrMonicaPeek

Monica Peek

Monica Peek, MD, MPH, specializes in general internal medicine and preventive health for adults. She has a particular interest in reducing health care disparities and concentrates these efforts on diabetes care and breast cancer-screening education for African American patients. Assoc. Prof. Peek is also associate director of The Chicago Center for Diabetes Translation Research at UChicago.

As principal investigator on two multi-year clinical studies to improve diabetes care and outcomes on the South Side of Chicago, a primarily working class African-American community with significant disparities in diabetes health outcomes such as lower extremity amputations.. Also, in her role as one of two inaugural faculty fellows in the Bucksbaum-Siegler Institute for Clinical Excellence at the University of Chicago Medicine, she explores how racial and cultural barriers impact physician-patient relations and shared decision-making.

Assoc.  Prof. Peek has been an invited speaker to many local and national medical meetings. She serves on the boards of several advocacy organizations and is regularly involved in community-based education activities. In addition, she is the author of more than 60 peer-reviewed publications and abstracts exploring health care disparities in minority populations.

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Media Contacts

Ashley Heher

Director of Media Relations, University of Chicago Medical Center

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