Big Brains: All Episodes

Translating groundbreaking research into digestible brain food. Produced out at the University of Chicago. Honored by CASE for the past four years as the best podcast in higher ed; winner of the PRNEWS's Platinum Award, Communicators Award and Adweek's "best branded podcast." 

Big Brains podcst

Episode List

Lessons From Our Country’s Largest School Closing with Eve L. Ewing (Ep. 20)

Eve Ewing explains how race, history and ‘institutional mourning’ intersect in the largest mass public school closing in U.S. history.

Simple Solutions to Address Social Issues with Harold Pollack (Ep. 19)

Prof. Harold Pollack promotes ‘evidence-based optimism’ to tackle our most complex social issues—from finances to crime to health care.

What We’re Getting Wrong About Millennials with Cathy Cohen (Ep.18)

A leading scholar on race and politics says some of our assumptions about millennials are all wrong.

What Ripples in Space-Time Tell Us About the Universe with Daniel Holz (Ep. 17)

UChicago cosmologist discusses discovery of gravitational waves and colliding black holes.

Rise of the White Power Movement with Kathleen Belew (Ep. 16)

Kathleen Belew traces the history of white supremacy, from Vietnam through the Oklahoma City bombing

Climate Change’s Human Cost With Michael Greenstone (Ep. 15)

Economist discusses global energy, impact of air pollution on society and why scientists should talk clearly about climate change

David Axelrod on Why ‘Democracy is Messy’ and the Future of Politics (Ep. 14)

In this alumni edition of Big Brains, David Axelrod discusses the midterms, the rise in divisive politics from Obama to Trump and why young people make him optimistic about our future

How Talk Builds Babies’ Brains with Dana Suskind (Ep. 13)

Physician and author gives advice to teach kids from day one and discusses her transformation to a social scientist.

Mapping the Human Brain with Bobby Kasthuri (Ep. 12)

UChicago neuroscientist describes a high-tech effort to map the brain’s trillions of neurons and understand what makes humans unique.

Quantum technology: From sci-fi to reality with David Awschalom (Ep. 11)

Prof. David Awschalom discusses how quantum technology could lead to breakthroughs in communication, encryption and medicine, and how he’s helping train the next generation of quantum engineers.