(1 of 6) Welfare States in Transition: Social Policy Transformation in Organizational Practice
This symposium offers organizations-eye views of ways in which the changing relationship between welfare and work is being translated into practice in different states, cities, and in other countries. SSA Centennial Celebration - May 15-16, 2009 - ...
Laboratory Schools teacher receives Golden Apple award for excellence
Christina Hayward, a nursery school and kindergarten teacher at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, was named Tuesday as one of this year's 10 winners of the prestigious Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching.This is very overwhelming...
Earth Fest 09 (Earth gets its week in the sun)
Earth Week 2009 culminated Friday, April 24 on the Main Quadrangle with EarthFest, an outdoor party with music, organic food, and information about what students and community members are doing to green up their lives.Registered Student Organizations a...
QUIET experiment
Bruce Winstein discusses the QUIET experiment, which will explore physics at ultra-high energies generated at the birth of the universe.
Shakespeare and the Law
The University of Chicago Law School's "Shakespeare and the Law" conference brought together thinkers from law, literature, and philosophy to investigate the legal dimensions of Shakespeare's plays. Participants explored the ways in which the ...
Shakespeare and the Law: Scenes from Three Plays
Scenes from Hamlet, As You Like It and Measure for Measure, presented at The University of Chicago Law School's "Shakespeare and the Law" conference, recorded May 15, 2009. This conference brought together thinkers from law, literature, and philos...
Free Speech Forum
Faculty discuss meaning of free speech for the University, its students and its faculty in an event organized by Provost Thomas Rosenbaum.
(6 of 6) The City Revisited: Community and Community Action in the 21st Century
This seminar explores contemporary issues concerning community, community action, and community change. · Nancy Aardema, Executive Director, Logan Square Neighborhood Association · Joel Bookman, Director of Programs, Local Initia...
(5 of 6) The City Revisited: Community and Community Action in the 21st Century
This seminar explores contemporary issues concerning community, community action, and community change. · Nancy Aardema, Executive Director, Logan Square Neighborhood Association · Joel Bookman, Director of Programs, Local Initia...
(4 of 6) The City Revisited: Community and Community Action in the 21st Century
This seminar explores contemporary issues concerning community, community action, and community change. · Nancy Aardema, Executive Director, Logan Square Neighborhood Association · Joel Bookman, Director of Programs, Local Initia...