Reality Check: Graduation Numbers Inflated At Nearly All CPS High Schools
<p>Elaine Allensworth, director of the Consortium on Chicago School Research, discusses calculating graduation rates</p>

U. of C. report: Broad race-based disparities persist in CPS discipline
UChicago’s Consortium on Chicago School Research releases report on discipline in Chicago Public Schools

When Guarding Student Data Endangers Valuable Research
Article cites University’s Consortium on Chicago School Research work on college dropout rates as a successful example of collecting student data to spark valuable educational reforms

Were Chicago's public schools ever good?
Article cites study by UChicago Consortium on Chicago School Research, which states the 'myriad issues with publicly reported data' that make year-over-year comparisons 'nearly impossible'

Backing Away From Zero Tolerance
Op-ed highlights report by Consortium on Chicago School Research, which finds CPS suspension policy fails to help black students

U of C report: Most vulnerable CPS students still suspended at high rates
Report by Consortium on Chicago School Research finds new CPS suspension policy has failed to benefit black students

Study looks at aftermath of Chicago school closings in 2013
New report from UChicago CCSR examines changes in enrollment caused by 2013 CPS school closings

More CPS Freshmen Earn College Degrees
Video: Elaine Allensworth, director of the UChicago CCSR, discusses report on student achievement in Chicago Public Schools