Park District ready to give control of land to city for Obama library
City to hold public meetings on plan to make Chicago Park District land available for UChicago-led Obama presidential library bid

Four Universities to Make Pitch for Obama Library
UChicago-led proposal to host Obama presidential library on South Side submitted alongside other bids

Final push for Obama library bids ahead of Thursday deadline
UChicago collaborates with Chicago-area academic institutions on South Side bid for Obama presidential library

U. of Chicago Obama library bid: Alliances with other schools
UChicago collaborates with Chicago-area academic institutions on South Side bid for Obama presidential library

South Siders on Obama library: 'Bring it home'
In video, Chicago residents, celebrities sing about desire for Obama presidential library to be on South Side

Emanuel, N.Y. mayor in high-stakes race for Obama library
Article discusses Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s role in building support for Chicago’s bid for Obama presidential library

S. Side is best home for Obama museum
Op-ed urges support for bringing Obama presidential library to South Side—‘the only place it truly belongs’

Obama's presidential library belongs on the South Side
Alumnus Timuel Black says Obama presidential library should be on South Side ‘because we will cherish it as no other place could’