William Pope.L

UChicago to host celebration of renowned artist Pope.L

Nov. 10-11 commemoration will showcase the artist’s works and wide-reaching impact

UChicago scholar wins National Book Critics Circle Award

As praise mounts,‘Deadpan’ author Asst. Prof. Tina Post hopes to push interpretations of Black expression

Pope.L, renowned interdisciplinary artist and UChicago scholar, 1955‒2023

Known for creating ‘humane, generous, combative’ art that is ‘among the most important bodies of work in 21st century’

What to Expect at the 25-hour Marathon Reading of John Cage’s Book Silence

Assoc. Prof. William Pope.L creates a 25-hour performance work at the Museum of Contemporary Art

William Pope.L Makes Statements From the Fringes

Article profiles artistic career of Prof. William Pope.L, who uses performance art to make statements about prejudice and inequality

Material Witness

Publication features Assoc. Prof. William Pope.L’s artwork and performance pieces