Scientists studied the brains of more than 800 prisoners. Here’s what they found.
Scientists studied the brains of more than 800 prisoners. Here’s what they found.
Jul 23, 2019
Why you may be prone to hiring a liar, and not even know it
Why you may be prone to hiring a liar, and not even know it
Jun 11, 2019
Bystanders may be more likely to punish bullies than help victims
Bystanders may be more likely to punish bullies than help victims
Jun 5, 2019
What nearly all languages have in common—whether you speak or sign
What nearly all languages have in common—whether you speak or sign
May 29, 2019
Why people make up their minds sooner than they realize
Why people make up their minds sooner than they realize
Jan 11, 2019
Why sharing a plate leads to better negotiation outcomes
Why sharing a plate leads to better negotiation outcomes
Dec 18, 2018
Kids benefit when parents overcome math anxiety
Kids benefit when parents overcome math anxiety
Dec 4, 2018
Lonely people stand farther from loved ones, study finds
Lonely people stand farther from loved ones, study finds
Sep 6, 2018
Lazy people can motivate themselves by giving advice
Lazy people can motivate themselves by giving advice
Aug 7, 2018
New York Post
A paradox at the heart of gift-giving
A paradox at the heart of gift-giving
Jun 28, 2018
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