How do addictive drugs affect brain function? Study of mice highlights connections
In study of mice, researchers examine addiction, neurons and brain’s ability to recover
Women are overmedicated because drug dosage trials are done on men, study finds
Overprescribing women results in widespread side effects, UChicago research suggests
Trump Administration Sinks Teeth Into Paring Down Drug Prices, On 5 Key Points
<p>Asst. Prof. Rena Conti discusses competition between drug makers</p>

Mother Accused Of Killing Baby With Her Own Breast Milk
<p>Asst. Prof. Poj Lysouvakon considers the effects of drugs in breast milk</p>

Was racial profiling behind ATF stash house stings? Chicago judges to take up landmark case today
<p>Video: Federal Criminal Justice Clinic files motions to dismiss federal charges in U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sting cases</p>

Support for marijuana legalization has hit an all-time high
Survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago finds record support for marijuana legalization

Pharmaceutical Policy Reform — Balancing Affordability with Incentives for Innovation
In op-ed, Asst. Prof. Rena Conti explains how lawmakers can lower the cost of prescription drugs

The Law of Pharma Pricing: What Goes Up Often Stays Up
Analysis by Asst. Prof. Rena Conti finds a large decrease in makers of injectable cancer drugs