Big Brains podcasts on economics

Nobel laureate explains what makes countries fail or succeed, with James A. Robinson (Ep. 145)

Economist examines global inequality and what drives prosperity and poverty

Does Welfare Reduce Crime? with Manasi Deshpande (Ep. 99)

Groundbreaking study examines one program’s impact on employment and incarceration

Why big ideas fail to scale—and how to fix it, with John List (Ep. 87)

Economist discusses the secrets of using science to scale promising social programs

How to stick to your resolutions, with Ayelet Fishbach (Ep. 85)

New book explores science of setting goals, achieving success and learning from failure

Confronting gun violence with data, with Jens Ludwig (Ep. 82)

Director of Crime Lab explains evidence behind community-based solutions to violent crime


A Surprising Economic Solution To Climate Change, with Michael Greenstone (Ep. 71)

By outbidding polluters, Climate Vault nonprofit aims to make net-zero emissions a reality


Fighting Poverty And Pandemics, with Nobel Economist Michael Kremer (Ep. 66)

Economist discusses how randomized control trials can improve poverty interventions

Why the coronavirus could send China’s economy back to the ‘80s, with Chang-Tai Hsieh (Ep. 41)

A University of Chicago economist explains why the coronavirus is one of the most pivotal moments in China’s economic history.


How Google and Facebook Are Ruining Capitalism, with Luigi Zingales (Ep. 38)

A leading economist says American capitalism is once again under threat from monopolies.

Why Some Nations Prosper and Others Fail, with James Robinson (Ep. 37)

A leading University of Chicago scholar explains why some nations fall into poverty while others succeed.