How do we define human rights in the age of A.I.?
UChicago event fostered interdisciplinary discussion on the role of A.I. in democracy
UChicago announces winners of inaugural Academic Communicators Network awards
Awards honor faculty who excelled at sharing their research, expertise with the public
What we’ve learned from a year of COVID-19
A year into the pandemic, nine UChicago experts discuss impacts on health, science and more
What you should read over winter break
Faculty/staff list includes multigenerational Korean family struggles, mushrooms and capitalism, and Winston Churchill
The Questions Kavanaugh Should Answer
<p>Audio: Prof. Aziz Huq discusses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh</p>

Why You Shouldn’t Care Whether Kavanaugh Is an ‘Originalist’
<p>In op-ed, Prof. Aziz Huq examines Brett Kavanaugh and constitutional originalism</p>