Nicole Marwell

Nicole Marwell

Nicole Marwell, PhD, studies nonprofit organizations, government bureaucracies, and urban governance. Her research draws upon interdisciplinary sights and tools from sociology, organization studies, data science, and public administration. 

Marwell’s current research projects include The Next-Generation Health and Human Services Platform, a project that uses publicly available data to track the use of public funds; a study of how stakeholders understand the benefits and drawbacks of randomized controlled trials; and the development of a course and book prospectus examining the new governance challenges posed by the 21st century data explosion.

Marwell is an associate professor at the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, a faculty affiliate of the Department of Sociology, a faculty fellow at the Center for Spatial Data Science, and a member of the Faculty Advisory Council of the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation.  She has published articles in journals including the American Sociological ReviewCity and CommunitySocial Service Review, and Qualitative Sociology. Her book Bargaining for Brooklyn: Community Organizations in the Entrepreneurial City was published in 2007 by the University of Chicago Press.

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