David Meltzer BW

David Meltzer

David Meltzer, MD, PhD, is a leading expert on diagnosing problems in health economics, specifically the theory behind medical cost-effectiveness analysis and the cost and quality of hospital care. He studies improved continuity in the doctor-patient relationship and its effects on the costs and outcomes of patient care. In addition, he is chief of the Section of Hospital Medicine, director of the Center for Health and the Social Sciences and affiliated faculty at the UChicago Harris School of Public Policy and the Department of Economics. 

Dr. Meltzer has received the Lee Lusted Prize of the Society for Medical Decision Making, the Health Care Research Award of the National Institute for Health Care Management, and the Eugene Garfield Award from Research America. He recently was also elected to National Academy of Medicine. 


Meltzer Stories

Vitamin D deficiency may raise risk of getting COVID-19, study finds

UChicago Medicine researchers find association between vitamin deficiency, risk of infection

Is private equity helping or hurting healthcare?

<p>Prof. David Meltzer discusses the American Medical Association’s analysis of the impact of firms and venture capitalists on the relationship between doctors and patients</p>

11 things most people don't know about health insurance

Article cites Assoc. Prof. David Meltzer, who finds that insurance prevents deaths

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