Damon Jones

Damon M. Jones

Damon M. Jones is an associate professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy where he conducts research at the intersection of three fields within economics: public finance, household finance and behavioral economics. Using statistics and data to drive his research, Assoc. Prof. Jones also gathers insights from psychology and empirical evidence to explore the ways in which human behavior deviates from the neoclassical model of consumer decision-making.

Assoc. Prof. Jones has researched topics that include income tax policy, social security, retirement and retirement savings, and the interaction between employer-provided benefits and labor market outcomes. More recently, he has conducted research on workplace wellness programs and universal basic income. At Harris, Assoc. Prof. Jones currently teaches a course on public finance and public policy, a course in advanced microeconomics, and a practicum on tax policy and household finance. In addition, he is a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Jones Stories

Why the pandemic hits Black, Hispanic household finances harder

UChicago economists: Racial wealth gap drives disparate responses to income shocks

Claiming your Social Security at 62? You might not regret it

<p>Assoc. Prof. Damon Jones explores claiming Social Security early</p>

What Behavioral Economics Teaches Us About The Great Recession

Article cites Profs. Nicholas Epley, Damon Jones and Richard Thaler, who discuss how consumers view tax rebates and financial windfalls

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