Austan Goolsbee
Austan Goolsbee’s research activities center on the internet, tax policy and business decisions, capital investment and government policy.
Prof. Goolsbee serves on the Economic Advisory Panel to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and has previously served on the Panel of Economic Advisors to the Congressional Budget Office, the U.S. Census Advisory Commission and as a special consultant for Internet Policy to the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice.
He has previously served as editor of the Journal of Law and Economics and as a Special Consultant for Internet Policy for the Department of Justice Antitrust Division. Prof. Goolsbee is the author of numerous journal articles, including “Does the Internet Make Markets More Competitive? Evidence from the Life Insurance Industry,” Journal of Political Economy (2002); “In a World Without Borders: The Impact of Taxes on Internet Commerce,” Quarterly Journal of Economics (2000); and “What Happens When You Tax the Rich? Evidence from Executive Compensation,” Journal of Political Economy (2000).