Andrew Chien BW

Andrew Chien

Computer scientist Andrew Chien is widely recognized for his contributions to cluster computing, high-speed communication, computer architecture and parallel programming. He currently leads a group examining large-scale computer systems (such as cloud, edge, and mobile/Internet of Things computing) that impact life on multiple levels—in the government, in the market, and in scientific applications. He particularly specializes in designing new more efficient computer architectures; he has studied using renewable energy for supercomputers and cloud computing centers; creating “zero-carbon” clouds; creating more reliable computers that fail less often, and the efficiency of Bitcoin.

Prof. Chien currently serves as director of the CERES Center for Unstoppable Computing and editor-in-chief for the leading computing professional society’s flagship publication, Communications of ACM. Additionally, he has long-standing advisory relationships with the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering and the U.S. Department of Energy. He is also a senior computer scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

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