Adam Chilton

Adam Chilton

Adam Chilton's primary research and teaching interests focus on international political economy—that is, how legal and political considerations influence the policies that countries adopt to regulate flows of people (i.e. migration), money (i.e. investment), and goods (i.e. trade). This includes studying why countries sign treaties and adopt laws on these topics, whether countries comply with their international and domestic legal commitments, and whether those choices improve countries’ welfare.

Asst. Prof. Chilton’s research has appeared in leading peer reviewed political science and law & economics journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, the American Law & Economics Review, and the Journal of Law and Economics.

Chilton Stories

Why some rights are violated more often—even in a democracy

In new book, Law School scholar examines constitutional rights around the globe

The potential silver lining in Trump’s travel ban

Asst. Prof. Adam Chilton explains opportunity to create new precedent on immigration powers

New data show how liberal Merrick Garland really is

In op-ed, Asst. Prof. Adam Chilton measures ideological position of Justice Merrick Garland

The failure of constitutional torture prohibitions

Article co-written by Asst. Prof. Adam Chilton examines why torture persists, in spite of Constitutional prohibitions

Coalition challenges selection of judges in gay marriage case affecting Nevada

Article cites study by Asst. Prof. Adam Chilton, which finds many federal appeals courts aren't selecting panels randomly

Las Vegas Sun

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