Visual arts teachers learn how to CoCre8
More than 130 visual arts teachers came to the University of Chicago campus on Friday, Feb. 5 to immerse themselves in some of the CoCre8 program activities designed by arts education coordinators at UChicago’s Arts + Public Life initiative at the Ar...
Warren's Wrong: Bank Rules Need Cost-Benefit Test
In op-ed, Prof. Eric Posner writes that cost-benefit analysis for financial regulation ‘deserves support from liberals and conservatives alike’

Illinois’s billionaires—not the State—could be the salvation of Illinois’s hungry, sick and homeless
In op-ed, Lect. Rebecca Sive argues that billionaires should ‘end this shameful chapter in Illinois’ history’ and fund the needy

Federal proposal seeks to create summer and youth jobs
Crime Lab study finds that students who participated in Chicago summer program had a 43 percent reduction in violent-crime arrests

Enough madness: Just pay college athletes
In op-ed, Sr. Lect. Allen Sanderson writes it is ‘time to end the price-fixing that restrains compensation for college athletes’

Why police shooting cases need outside prosecutors
In op-ed, Lect. Joshua Tepfer discusses the need for special prosecutors in Chicago due to the close relationships of local prosecutors and police

This is where Raghuram Rajan sees himself in next 5 years
Prof. Raghuram Rajan, governor of Reserve Bank of India, envisions his future back in Chicago in his ‘academic office, writing or thinking’
DNA India