Brett Kavanaugh vote: Will 'asterisk justice' bring political stain to Supreme Court?
<p>Prof. David Strauss examines potential effect of Kavanaugh's confirmation to Supreme Court</p>

Brett Kavanaugh and the myth of strict construction
<p>Prof. David Strauss explains judicial originalism</p>

Showdown on a Trump Subpoena Could Overshadow Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation
<p>Prof. David Strauss discusses the possibility of a subpoena dispute reaching the Supreme Court</p>

Trump’s Unparalleled War on a Pillar of Society: Law Enforcement
Prof. David Strauss examines Trump’s accusations against F.B.I., Justice Department

New on This Fall’s Law School Syllabus: Trump
Prof. David Strauss examines shifts in constitutional law scholarship

For Supreme Court, the term that just ended was the calm before the storm
Prof. David Strauss examines politics of agreement among Supreme Court justices

Court Leader or Leading Dissenter? Chief Justice’s Fate Tied to Election
Prof. David Strauss examines the Supreme Court’s shifting dynamics

A Supreme Court Not So Much Deadlocked as Diminished
<p>Prof. David Strauss says Supreme Court will avoid controversial cases until ninth justice is appointed</p>

Focus on Chief Justice as Supreme Court Hears Immigration Challenge
Prof. David Strauss examines Chief Justice John Roberts’ political strategy in advance of immigration policy case