William Baude

The Eminent Libertarians Who Might Save Public Sector Unions

Asst. Prof. William Baude files amicus brief to uphold union agency fees

The Intercept

My Scalia essay: ‘Originalism as a Constraint on Judges’

Asst. Prof. William Baude examines originalism and the late Justice Antonin Scalia

If the statutory language is ‘plain,’ judges will not consider ____

Asst. Prof. Will Baude critiques the ‘plain meaning rule’ of legal interpretation

The case against qualified immunity

Asst. Prof. William Baude argues against qualified immunity for police officers

What Do This Week’s Supreme Court Decisions Mean for Immigration and Affirmative Action?

Prof. Eric Posner, Asst. Prof. William Baude examine consequences of Supreme Court cases

New York Times Magazine