
What historical homicide waves reveal about Chicago policy

UChicago researchers find century of repeated patterns in city responses to violence

Chicago Proposal to Revamp Police Misconduct Probes Advances

Clinical Prof. Craig Futterman discusses funding of police review board

Associated Press

One Change Police Can Make to Show They’re Serious About Reform

Doctoral studen explains how affidavit requirement hinders police complaints

Chicago Reporter

How can Chicago police rebuild trust?

Prof. Randolph Stone says accountability task force must reestablish community’s trust with Chicago police

Christian Science Monitor

When It Comes To Police Reform, Insurance Companies May Play A Role

Audio: Asst. Prof. John Rappaport suggests insurance companies can seek to limit the liability of police departments by influencing their behavior

How the insurance industry could reform American policing

In Q&A, Asst. Prof. John Rappaport discusses how insurance companies affect police conduct