Paulson Institute

The world’s climate is in the hands of just three nations

Henry Paulson, chairman of the Paulson Institute, co-authors op-ed, which calls on United States, China and India to develop ‘cooperative climate change strategies’

Rapid Economic Growth in China Is Chipping Away at Coastal Wetlands

UChicago’s Paulson Institute releases report finding severe ecological damage to important coastal wetlands

With U.S. as a Model, China Envisions Network of National Parks

UChicago's Paulson Institute will collaborate with Chinese government to establish national parks system in China

Paulson helps China parks

UChicago's Paulson Institute will collaborate with Chinese government to establish national parks system in China

China Daily

China’s Best Bet: Doubling Down on Reform, Not Stimulus

In op-ed, Henry Paulson, chairman of Paulson Institute, argues the Chinese economy needs to slow down for necessary reform